Assassin's creed 3 highly compressed
Assassin's creed 3 highly compressed


both groups are trying to find the holy grail, a cup said to contain a drop of jesus blood that is believed to give eternal life to those who drink it. However players will be able to explore the entire city of Rome, and visit the harbor of Naples a part of Navarre, Spain Valnerina, Lake of Nevi and present-day Monteriggioni. he is also the target of the templars, a group of warrior-priests sworn to protect the christian faith.


Instead, a series of tunnel networks throughout the city allows the player to travel to different sectors of the city with ease.


Unlike the previous installments, travel between different cities or regions is no longer present, as most of the action in the game takes place around the city of Rome. It was released in Novemand platforms in which this installment was released were PC, Play Station 3, Microsoft Windows and XBOX 360. Rome is larger than any of the cities in the first two installments (Rome is three times bigger than Florence from Assassin's Creed II) and includes five districts: Vatican ( Vaticano), Central ( Centro), Trans-Tiber ( Trastevere), Country ( Campagna) and Antique ( Antico). Completing this unlocks new missions and opportunities. The player has to conquer and destroy Borgia towers to free city zones from the family's influence. Just like the town of Monteriggioni in Assassin's Creed II, the player can invest in the city, witness its development, and unlock rewarD. The primary setting is Rome, which has fallen into ruin due to the corrupt rule of the Borgia papacy and the Templars over the Papal States and concentrating all the wealth in the Vatican.

Assassin's creed 3 highly compressed